Wednesday 20 April 2016

Week 27

This week I decided to return to my other idea, the robotic hand due to the reason that I found the police drone was rather easy and since my last task I found rather straight forward I thought it was best to try and push myself a little harder. This has put this project back by a week due to this, this will be taken out of the week that I left for any issues. This still puts me on track to finish well within the time issued but any issues will make this harder due to the reduced amount of time but I believe that this is the best thing for me to do as it means I can really explore what my skills are as a 3D artist.
        So just like the previous idea I began by using references and searching through the internet to see what sort of look I'd like to go it also helps to see how to create them and make a process for the work. One artist I've had an obsession with since Chris introduced him to us Vitaly Bulagrov he makes some incredible pieces of work which mostly focus around this mechanical future I was so desiring with my work. He was the most influential person in this piece of work. I also wanted my work to resemble something realistic which was what Bulagrov in my opinion does best. I have however considered that my allowed poly count may be a little low for what I wish to create but I think it should work in the long run, but I do need to be aware of the little amount of poly's I'm allowed to use for this task. So I have been cautious and knowing that cylinders suck up a lot of geometry if you let them I've been using reduced the amount of faces to eight to try and reduce the poly count early on. So far this week I've been able to make the finger tips and the middle section of the fingers. I'm really happy with how this is coming along they look mechanical but realistic at the same time.

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