Friday 4 March 2016

Week 23

I began this week by making a silhouette of a Roman Pillar inside Maya this is the most basic form that the pillar can take. I then cut this pillar up into equal quads so that inside of ZBrush the pillar will deform correctly to come out with the correct out come. I then had problems when bringing this object in however as for some reason ZBrush was telling me my object had a face with more than four sides and for the life of me I couldn't see what it was. I then showed Chris the problem the following day and he two couldn't see the problem and said not to worry as when I import it it would have fixed the problem. I then watched some YouTube videos on how to make a good rock texture and what works best. After doing my research I began the destruction of the pillar crafting the rock texture and moving some of the pillar work around inside ZBrush. Once I'd got the work to a place i was happy with I then looked into Alphas for my brushes as I remembered Chris saying how they could really help with the texturing. Once I'd had a play with some cracks I then called It finished.
        After finishing my Roman Pillar I decided I wanted to have a go at a slightly more detailed and complicated design within ZBrush as I now seemed to have a slightly better grasp of what all the functions do within the program. So to start this I made a little collage of Mayan pillars as this was the route I wanted to take I then quickly made up a silhouette of the pillar and divided it equal into quads, i then put this into Zbrush, this time without any problems and began sculpting. For this design I turned on mirroring a lot as most of the Mayan pillar were basically mirrored down with only a few exceptions. I then spent the next couple of days detailing out all the damage working from big to small trying to get as much detail in as possible without it looking over done. After our lecture with Merlin on Thursday I began to think about what would interest me and is something i can relate to make the essay just a little bit more interesting. I decided that the essay I want to do will be based on the desensitization of video games and how that might be related to the real world. In my opinion this ridiculous but I've began looking into articles and gathering research and can see with some of the tests that have been carried out how they could relate to such things. On the final day of the week we had a texture session where we did digital life drawings which was refreshing from the normal life drawing sessions we have as it meant we could experiment with colour as you can see below. After the session I finished up my Mayan pillar with some crack Alphas and called this one done too. I really felt like my progress inside ZBrush has come a long way and can be seen below.

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