Sunday 17 January 2016

Week 17

This week's lecture focused on the game engine we will be using Unreal engine 4. Looking at how our Maya projects would work within the engine and using texturing inside the engine and looking at how you would connect up one metal panel box determining say an object's reflectiveness to the object itself. This was another thing that looked like once I've used it and experimented with the texturing process in Unreal 4 I'll get it a lot better. After the lecture I returned to doing more of my lamp which is what I continued on doing that following day in the workshop and outside of it. These started as getting the rest of it done including the phone itself that you talk into and then re-doing the wire due to some crit from Chris saying it was a little on the thin side if we were to render it in a game due to anti-aliasing. This is something I'm not quite use to as I had a similar issue with a piece of metal on the stem of vintage telephone it was too thin and would cause major anti-aliasing so as you can see below in an updated image this has been made bigger and thicker. Overall I think my telephone is looking rather good especially with all the edge loops in play.
After burning myself out on the vintage telephone and putting is some last details I went back to a contextual studies tasks which is to research two studios of our choice, so I've chosen Blizzard for its extreme attention to detail and Housemarque for its incredible gameplay. Then inside those two companies choose two studio roles and I think for this project I'm going to look at a 3D artist and a Lead Artist and how each job differs from the next what is the benefit of each. I spent the morning researching each company and taking notes before a lecture on contextual studies. During the lecture we had a lead artist by the name of Steven Huckle stand and give a presentation about his thirty plus career and his experiences. The interview was an incredible look into what a futures could be, he was a very humble man and it was an experience to meet him. After the contextual studies I had a spare hour to kill so I tried making up the DeLorean from back to the future. The photo is below it is what it is an hour spent modelling for fun.Finally to end this week I had a crit session which was good looking at each-other’s work and assessing which way each of us took to get to the same conclusion it was interesting to see where everyone else is with their work. My work was well received. After I decided to do some modelling for the final part of the project which will be a time machine. I’ve always wanted to build a robotic hand so I decided that my time machine will be a prosthetic limb that a detective in the future uses to re-wind time in a room when he opens a door to do with a case. He can’t alter the past but can just view it. I had a go at a cartoony hand as you can see below but wasn’t really what I was after so as you can see I decided to go with a more realistic representation using a white colour like that of iRobot and portal and gone for a more ergonomic design. I also had an Idea that like when detectives get their badges out and flick them over I might but a projector on the underside of the hand that will project an image of his badge. I really like this design idea for my final piece and below you can see where I am at, at the moment.
This week has been a little slow compared to last but good none the less.

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